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Why Do 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Persist After 23 Years?

 Ah, here we are, 23 years after the tragic events of September 11, 2001, and yep, the conspiracy theories are still alive and kicking. You’ve probably seen them pop up in social media threads or overheard them in conversations—people questioning everything from how the towers fell to whether the U.S. government knew it was coming. But why, after all this time, are these theories still trending? What keeps these narratives alive?

The Trust Issue: Government Skepticism

One key reason is a deep-rooted distrust of the government, which has only grown over the years. Back in the 1950s, 75% of Americans said they trusted the government to do what’s right. Fast forward to today, and that trust has nosedived. Events like the Vietnam War, Watergate, and even more recent political scandals have chipped away at people's confidence in government institutions. So, when something as monumental and terrifying as 9/11 happened, it gave conspiracy theorists fertile ground to sow seeds of doubt.

The Internet’s Role: Amplifying Theories

Now, add in the internet. Oh, the internet—a place where information spreads like wildfire, and, unfortunately, so do untruths. It’s easy for people to find communities that validate their pre-existing beliefs, no matter how far-fetched they may be. Algorithms love engagement, and nothing gets people talking like a good ol’ conspiracy theory. Once you start believing in one, it’s easy to fall down the rabbit hole. And since there's always some level of secrecy or classified information surrounding national security, it creates the perfect storm for people to fill in the gaps with speculation​(

Psychological Comfort: Making Sense of Chaos

Conspiracy theories also offer a strange sort of comfort. They provide a narrative that explains how such a devastating event could happen. Believing that someone—no matter how sinister—is "in control" feels more palatable than accepting the randomness of tragedy. For some, the idea that shadowy forces are pulling the strings makes the world seem a little less chaotic, a little more predictable. After all, it's human nature to seek order in chaos.

A Persistent Cycle

Once someone subscribes to a conspiracy theory, it becomes incredibly hard to let go. They tend to seek out information that confirms their beliefs and dismiss facts that contradict them. This psychological loop ensures that these theories keep resurfacing every year, around every anniversary, even after investigations have debunked many of them​(

Hashtags to Watch

#911Anniversary #ConspiracyTheories #WhyTheyPersist #TrustInGovernment #WTC7

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